Art and Culture at the Library
At Richmond Hill Public Library, we’ve got creativity and culture down to an art. Explore featured exhibits, curated collections and resources that enrich and inspire our community.
Musical Saturdays at Central Branch
Join us at Central Branch (cafe area, 1st Floor) for Musical Saturdays. This initiative is funded by the Music Performance Trust Fund, a non-profit organization that brings live, professional music programs to communities.
Next Performance Date: Feb. 22 | 2–3 p.m.
Cultural Heritage Booklists and Celebrations
Discover a selection of books and resources from our catalogue that celebrate a variety of cultural heritage months. From Persian Heritage Month to Asian Heritage Month, learn more from these reading lists curated by staff. Plus, explore upcoming programs and events for holidays and celebrations happening at the library.
Patterns of Belonging Exhibit at Central Branch
The collection patterns of belonging showcases Toronto-based artist Tania Love’s reflections on the interconnected cycles of nature and human experience. Inspired by Lake Ontario’s shoreline patterns and imagined rivers coursing through our city and ourselves, this collection offers an intimate exploration of life's connectivity. Tania’s hand-cut paper pieces resemble water bubbles, salt marks, and microscopic tissue, evoking a delicate balance of fragility and resilience. Her work is a gentle reminder of our deep ties to nature's rhythms and cycles. Her exhibit on display at Central Branch in the Glass Case Gallery on the main floor until Feb. 2.
About the Artist
Tania Love is a visual artist and yoga instructor whose work evolves from a connection with natural and cultural surroundings. Her pieces are crafted through tactile, mindful processes using diverse natural materials that invite a slower, contemplative experience. Love’s art has been celebrated with multiple grants, residencies, and exhibitions across Canada and internationally, reflecting her commitment to exploring the quiet but profound interplays between nature, culture, and human perception.
Register for her upcoming workshop and meet the artist!
Get Informed and Inspired with Virtual Author Talks
Watch virtual, interactive interviews with world-class, bestselling authors! Brought to library members in partnership with the Library Speakers Consortium, tune in to virtual talks with today’s top writers every month. Ask them questions to fuel your own writing through live interviews, or watch previous talks at your convenience.
Be Entertained and Enlightened with Hoopla
Whether you're looking for a cool, indie film, or a mainstream, popular series, Hoopla offers a huge selection of movies and TV shows to stimulate your creative side. Plus, listen to audiobooks and download eBooks and comics with the click of a button. Access in-branch or from work/home.
Discover Canadian Film Collections
Documentaries and digital storytelling at its finest! Access the National Film Board of Canada's extensive film archive with your membership. Watch more than 5,000 documentaries, animated films, interactive productions, and short films in English and French on a variety of topics. In-Library use only.