Resources for
Parents and Guardians

Resources for Parents and Guardians

At Richmond Hill Public Library, we’re committed to supporting parents and guardians who are nurturing their children's literacy interests and skills. Discover age-appropriate books, programs, kits, and resources to make the job a little easier.

Literacy Resources

The library supports many forms of literacy through the development of reading, writing, talking, singing, and playing. Explore the early literacy page to learn more, and discover the many types of literacies to engage your kids with at home and at the library.

Early Literacy Toolkit

Explore these early literacy practices to help students and families build up a love of literacy and learning.

Early Literacy Toolkit


Develop an understanding of multi-literacies and how to apply this understanding to your teaching practices.

Explore Multi-literacies

Upcoming Programs and Events

Explore library programs for kids and families all year long! From favourites like Family StorytimeStories & Crafts, and Babytime, these programs help to develop and build reading and oral language skills through read alouds, music, and rhyme. 

Kids Families All Programs

Homework Help

Students in York Region have FREE access to many academic online research tools from home, 24/7. All a student needs is their RHPL library card number, (no spaces), and four-digit PIN.

Kermode Education

Kermode Logo

Kermode is a digital resource that helps parents teach kids fundamental digital literacy and critical thinking skills that will help them safely and smartly navigate the media they encounter. Copy and paste the URL of any webpage into its evaluator and Kermode will analyze the page for accuracy, bias and timeliness to help you determine whether it is a reputable and authoritative source of information. Kermode’s resources for families will help you to empower your kids to be confident digital citizens.

   Learn More

Kanopy and Kanopy Kids

kanopy imagekanopy kids

Kanopy and Kanopy Kids is a new video streaming service that provides instant access (no wait times or holds) to thousands of critically-acclaimed and culturally-diverse films, documentaries, and Kids favorites. 

Log in with your library membership to access over 30,000 films and more on your desktop, TV, or mobile device. 

Access Kanopy  Access Kanopy Kids