Digital Resources Databases

21 - 30 of 31 Results

Our Ontario

This is a portal to local history resources contributed by libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, community groups, and government ministries throughout Ontario. Highlights include historic local newspapers, photographs, maps, oral histories, videos and more.


Browse, borrow and download popular eBooks and audiobooks for all ages through RHPL's digital collection by OverDrive. Access your titles online through our OverDrive webpage, or connect your RHPL card to OverDrive's app, Libby. Captivate your littlest reader through storybooks read out loud and early reader books, too!

RHPL Digital Archive

Browse or search our archival collection of photos, postcards, Tweedsmuir History of Richmond Hill, rare documents, letters, postcards, scrapbooks and more.

Richmond Hill Newspaper Archive

Find digitized copies of old issues of local Richmond Hill newspapers from 1857-1979, including the York Herald, York Commonwealth and Richmond Hill Liberal. Full-text searching is available.


With its emphasis on the latest STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) thinking and the Next Generation Science Standards, ScienceFlix provides grade-school children with a better understanding of science concepts and ideas through hands-on projects, videos, multiple text types, and so much more.

Toronto Star: Pages of the Past

Pages of the Past includes high-quality digital images in the original page format of over 30,000 issues of The Toronto Star. It includes editorial and opinion pieces, advertisements, want ads, birth and death notices, in addition to the stories detailing the events of the day. 1894-2020.


TumbleBooks is a curated database of children’s e-books, with over 1100 titles for grades K-6, Tumblebooks includes unique animated, talking picture books, read-along chapter books, graphic novels, non fiction books and videos, curated playlists, as well as books in Spanish and French.

TVO Kids

TVOkids shares safe and fun learning experiences that prepare children for school and life. All videos, series and games are advertisement free and developed in consultation with educators to support progressing through Kindergarten to Grade 6 in Ontario.

TVO Learn

TVO Learn is an effective, free way for students, caregivers and educators to explore learning that aligns with the Ontario curriculum, from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Discover thousands of opportunities to support learning in a safe online environment.

TVO Learn Mathify

TVO Learn Mathify offers seamless school-to-home math learning with an interactive classroom tool, and free 1-on-1, online after school math tutoring. Transform where and how Grade 4–12 students in Ontario learn math.