Digital Resources Databases

11 - 20 of 32 Results


Elementary meets the research needs of students in Kindergarten through Grade 5. It features a developmentally appropriate, visually graphic interface, a subject-based topic tree search and full-text, age-appropriate, curriculum-related magazine, newspaper and reference content for information on current events, the arts, science, health, people, government, history, sports and more.


Entrepreneurship is ideal for business owners and students. It is updated daily and provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories from the world of small business and entrepreneurship studies. Users will find more than 500 subject-appropriate, active, full-text periodicals, which includes: Beverage Industry, Black Enterprise, Economist, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, HR Magazine, Real Estate Weekly, Restaurant Business, Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, and more.

Explora Canada Student Search 6-12

Explora Canada Student Search 6-12 makes it easy for students in grades 6-12 to browse by topic or to search by keyword to find content from AP videos, magazines, encyclopedias and more. Results can be easily sorted by source type—magazines, reference books, news, photos, biographies, and primary source documents.

Explora Primary – Canada

Explora Primary - Canada (formerly Primary Search) is a new interface that is easy to browse by topic and provides .full text coverage of nearly 70 popular magazines for elementary school research. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator

Explora Primary Search K-5

Explora Primary Search K-5 is designed for children in primary and junior grades. Explora contains complete articles from dozens of the most popular elementary school magazines. All complete articles are assigned reading-level indicators (Lexiles®), and many articles are available in color PDF. You’ll also find easy-to-read encyclopedia entries written specifically for kids and more than one million images of photos, maps and flags!


hoopla offers an enormous selection of movies, TV shows, music, audiobooks, eBooks and comics. Download content immediately with no wait times or holds and access it on your browser, phone, tablet or TV product.

Insurance and Liability

Insurance and Liability provides access to academic journals and trade publications covering the insurance industry and topics such as labor relations, mortgage banking, legal issues, and more. The database offers content of interest to individual property owners and multinational corporations alike.


Kanopy is an on-demand video streaming service that provides instant access (no wait times or holds) to thousands of critically-acclaimed and culturally-diverse films, documentaries, and Kids favourites. Log in with your library membership to access over 30,000 films and more on your desktop, TV, or mobile device.

Kermode: Digital Literacy

Safely and smartly navigate the videos and websites you encounter. Made for parents and educators of school-age kids, Kermode is a digital literacy tool that helps children to build fundamental digital literacy and critical thinking skills. If prompted, the license key for Richmond Hill Public Library is RHPL.

Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management provides access to authoritative periodical content covering such topics as 21st-century skills, organizational dynamics and leadership, adult learning and continuing education, and more. Updated daily, this library resource is useful for researchers or any professional interested in career development.