Digital Resources Databases

1 - 10 of 27 Results

Ancestry Library Edition

Ancestry Library includes genealogical information from over 1,000 international databases.

In-Library use only; not accessible remotely


Homework help has never been easier. Brainfuse offers live-tutoring to students (K-12) between 2-11 pm in math, science, reading, social studies, history, geography and language arts. Other services include writing labs, diagnostic testing and individualized flash card creation for studying.


Canadiana holds the most complete set of full-text historical content about Canada, including books, magazines and government documents. Content spans 21 languages, including French, English, Latin, Greek, and many First Nations languages.

Cantook Station

From science fiction to biography, choose from hundreds of popular and classic French-language eBooks and audiobooks for kids, teens and adults. Titles can be accessed on any internet-enabled device, and can also be downloaded for offline use. De la science-fiction à la biographie, choisissez parmi des centaines de livres électroniques et de livres audio populaires et classiques en français pour enfants, adolescents et adultes. Les titres sont accessibles sur n'importe quel appareil connecté à l'Internet et peuvent également être téléchargés pour une utilisation hors ligne.

CBC Corner

Discover the best Canadian shows, stories & more. This one-of-a-kind digital portal allows you to access a wide variety of content including trusted news, local stories, entertaining TV and radio shows, award-winning podcasts, educational kids content, innovative podcasts, a free English and French language learning app, news in foreign languages and much more!

Consumer Reports

Get unbiased ratings and reviews for 9000+ products and services from Consumer Reports, plus trusted advice and in-depth reporting on what matters most. Your RHPL card provides you with reviews of products including technology, appliances, cars and more.

G1 Driver’s License Test

Take the first step to becoming a new driver in Ontario. Learn the rules of the road and traffic signs and prepare for your G1 license test with, which offers 15 practice tests and a G1 Test Simulator. Note: is not affiliated with Drive Test and the Ministry of Transportation.

Frontier Life

The settling of vast areas of the world by Europeans has left a particular and lasting influence on history. This collection of digitized primary source documents sheds light on the many dynamics of frontier existence and its lasting influence.

Globe and Mail: Canada’s Heritage from 1844

Canada's Heritage from 1844. Online searchable articles and pictures from Canada's national newspaper. 1844-2019.


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