Digital Resources Databases

11 - 14 of 14 Results


Get access to more than 7,000 of the world's top publications as soon as they're available on shelves. PressReader features magazines and newspapers in over 60 languages from more than 120 countries, and is available through the PressReader app or website.

RHPL Digital Archive

Browse or search our archival collection of photos, postcards, Tweedsmuir History of Richmond Hill, rare documents, letters, postcards, scrapbooks and more.

Richmond Hill Newspaper Archive

Find digitized copies of old issues of local Richmond Hill newspapers from 1857-1979, including the York Herald, York Commonwealth and Richmond Hill Liberal. Full-text searching is available.

Toronto Star: Pages of the Past

Pages of the Past includes high-quality digital images in the original page format of over 30,000 issues of The Toronto Star. It includes editorial and opinion pieces, advertisements, want ads, birth and death notices, in addition to the stories detailing the events of the day. 1894-2020.