Digital Resources Databases

1 - 7 of 7 Results

Cantook Station

From science fiction to biography, choose from hundreds of popular and classic French-language eBooks and audiobooks for kids, teens and adults. Titles can be accessed on any internet-enabled device, and can also be downloaded for offline use. De la science-fiction à la biographie, choisissez parmi des centaines de livres électroniques et de livres audio populaires et classiques en français pour enfants, adolescents et adultes. Les titres sont accessibles sur n'importe quel appareil connecté à l'Internet et peuvent également être téléchargés pour une utilisation hors ligne.

CBC Corner

Discover the best Canadian shows, stories & more. This one-of-a-kind digital portal allows you to access a wide variety of content including trusted news, local stories, entertaining TV and radio shows, award-winning podcasts, educational kids content, innovative podcasts, a free English and French language learning app, news in foreign languages and much more!


hoopla offers an enormous selection of movies, TV shows, music, audiobooks, eBooks and comics. Download content immediately with no wait times or holds and access it on your browser, phone, tablet or TV product.


Kanopy is an on-demand video streaming service that provides instant access (no wait times or holds) to thousands of critically-acclaimed and culturally-diverse films, documentaries, and Kids favourites. Log in with your library membership to access over 30,000 films and more on your desktop, TV, or mobile device.

Little Pim

Language learning for kids 0-6, this resource introduces children to foreign languages in a way they can understand and enjoy. Accessible and engaging for young children, the method incorporates words and themes that are relevant to the child’s daily life, and research shows that early language learning enhances verbal development, social and cognitive skills.

Mango Languages

70+ languages and counting! Learn a new language online or through the Mango app. Mango teaches practical conversation and cultural awareness for the world’s most popular languages. Each lesson incorporates interactive tools and rich imagery that eliminates boredom and keeps you engaged.

NFB Education

Access to the National Film Board of Canada's film archive is available within the library. Watch 5,200+ documentaries, animated films, interactive productions, and short films in English and French on a variety of topics.

Note: In-Library use only; not accessible remotely