Digital Resources Databases

21 - 30 of 32 Results

NFB Education

Access to the National Film Board of Canada's film archive is available within the library. Watch 5,200+ documentaries, animated films, interactive productions, and short films in English and French on a variety of topics.

Note: In-Library use only; not accessible remotely

NoveList K-8 Plus

Like NoveList, this readers' advisory database provides articles and reviews of juvenile books and authors.

NoveList Plus

This readers' advisory product locates works of fiction by title, author or by simply describing the book. Provides subject and keyword access to over 86,000 titles, with full-text reviews and descriptions for over 40,000 books.


Browse, borrow and download popular eBooks and audiobooks for all ages through RHPL's digital collection by OverDrive. Access your titles online through our OverDrive webpage, or connect your RHPL card to OverDrive's app, Libby. Captivate your littlest reader through storybooks read out loud and early reader books, too!


Get access to more than 7,000 of the world's top publications as soon as they're available on shelves. PressReader features magazines and newspapers in over 60 languages from more than 120 countries, and is available through the PressReader app or website.

ProQuest eLibrary

ProQuest eLibrary is a massive, multidisciplinary database, designed for students and educators at high schools, community colleges, and four-year universities. Editorially created pages provide valuable context for both common and obscure research topics. The content, which is all full text, includes books, magazines, journals, newspapers, photographs, transcripts, and videos.


With its emphasis on the latest STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) thinking and the Next Generation Science Standards, ScienceFlix provides grade-school children with a better understanding of science concepts and ideas through hands-on projects, videos, multiple text types, and so much more.


TumbleBooks is a curated database of children’s e-books, with over 1100 titles for grades K-6, Tumblebooks includes unique animated, talking picture books, read-along chapter books, graphic novels, non fiction books and videos, curated playlists, as well as books in Spanish and French.

TVO Kids

TVOkids shares safe and fun learning experiences that prepare children for school and life. All videos, series and games are advertisement free and developed in consultation with educators to support progressing through Kindergarten to Grade 6 in Ontario.

TVO Learn

TVO Learn is an effective, free way for students, caregivers and educators to explore learning that aligns with the Ontario curriculum, from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Discover thousands of opportunities to support learning in a safe online environment.