Digital Resources Databases

1 - 10 of 14 Results


Homework help has never been easier. Brainfuse offers live-tutoring to students (K-12) between 2-11 pm in math, science, reading, social studies, history, geography and language arts. Other services include writing labs, diagnostic testing and individualized flash card creation for studying.

Britannica Library

Britannica Library helps users conduct research, complete homework assignments, or work on special projects at home or in the library. Research sources include three databases, thousands of curated articles and magazines, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools, and recommended websites, along with a pop-up Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus. Content updated daily. 

Cantook Station

From science fiction to biography, choose from hundreds of popular and classic French-language eBooks and audiobooks for kids, teens and adults. Titles can be accessed on any internet-enabled device, and can also be downloaded for offline use. De la science-fiction à la biographie, choisissez parmi des centaines de livres électroniques et de livres audio populaires et classiques en français pour enfants, adolescents et adultes. Les titres sont accessibles sur n'importe quel appareil connecté à l'Internet et peuvent également être téléchargés pour une utilisation hors ligne.

CBC Corner

Discover the best Canadian shows, stories & more. This one-of-a-kind digital portal allows you to access a wide variety of content including trusted news, local stories, entertaining TV and radio shows, award-winning podcasts, educational kids content, innovative podcasts, a free English and French language learning app, news in foreign languages and much more!


Through this interface, you can search all the EBSCO resources. This includes Middle Search Plus, Middle Search Reference eBook Collection, EBSCO eBook Collection and the EBSCO eBook Publicly Accessible Collection.

Explora Canada Student Search 6-12

Explora Canada Student Search 6-12 makes it easy for students in grades 6-12 to browse by topic or to search by keyword to find content from AP videos, magazines, encyclopedias and more. Results can be easily sorted by source type—magazines, reference books, news, photos, biographies, and primary source documents.


hoopla offers an enormous selection of movies, TV shows, music, audiobooks, eBooks and comics. Download content immediately with no wait times or holds and access it on your browser, phone, tablet or TV product.

Indigenous Peoples of North America

This digital collection comprehensively covers the history of North American Indigenous peoples and supporting organizations, spotlighting the culture and heritage of more than 70 tribes within the United States and Canada. Content is sourced from both American and Canadian institutions, as well as from newspapers from various tribes and Indigenous-related organizations. The collection also features Indigenous language materials, including dictionaries, bibles, and primers.

Kermode: Digital Literacy

Safely and smartly navigate the videos and websites you encounter. Made for parents and educators of school-age kids, Kermode is a digital literacy tool that helps children to build fundamental digital literacy and critical thinking skills. If prompted, the license key for Richmond Hill Public Library is RHPL.

New York Times Games

Have fun and keep your mind sharp with New York Times Games, including the NYT Crossword and Spelling Bee.