Fall Fun at the Library
Gear up for a new school year and discover fun fall activities at the library. We've got you covered with fall programs, books, games, and more. Connect with friends, join a club, and grow your love of reading and learning. Yes, at the library.
STEAM and Learning Kits
Explore hands-on learning and develop your deep thinking and problem solving skills with our collection of STEAM Kits and ready-to-use learning kits.
Reading Clubs
Discover great books for kids this fall! To join one of our clubs, all you have to do is register online, then read the book and share your thoughts about it with others kids your age. Each book club has exciting book discussions and cool activities.
Reading Rangers (5-7 yrs) Story Kids (7–10 yrs) Book Explorers (10–12 yrs)
Homework Help
Get homework help for your next project. The library has digital resources for kids to help you with reading, writing, and researching.
Explore CBC Corner Kids
Discover shows, games, and quizzes on CBC Kids with your library membership! Plus, learn about hot topics in news, sports, science, environment and more. Explore it all on the CBC Corner digital portal!